Meet the Team

Hometown Connect workers and volunteers joined in prayer as they bless a meal for the homeless

Dr. Robert Romines

Medical Director

Dr. Romines completed medical school at the University of Louisville and achieved his post graduate Fellowship for general surgery at the University of South Alabama where he was named Chief Resident. He has recently retired from a distinguished career at Taylor Regional Hospital Surgical Associates where he dedicated 29 years of service to this community. His exemplary leadership and experience is an invaluable asset to our vision for healthcare accessibility for all walks of life and regardless of their ability to pay.

Hometown Connect

Learn About Each of Our 4 Pillars of Focus

Then Jesus told his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself ad take up his cross and follow me."
- Matthew 16:24


Behavioral Health Addiction Recovery & Social Work

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An addict receiving support from other support group members


First Responder & Grief Tragedy Ministerial Response

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Hometown Connect volunteers cooking meals at a soup kitchen


Homelessness & Basic Needs Accessibility

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Passing out bedding for a disaffected homeowner


Healthcare Accessibility & Medication Affordability

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a doctor high-fiving a girl with her brother and mother
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