Meet the Team

Hometown Connect workers and volunteers joined in prayer as they bless a meal for the homeless

Melissa Mings

Healthcare Accessibility Director

Melissa Mings has been a registered nurse for 15 years and has worked in multiple areas and settings. She joined the team at Hometown Healthcare because she was attracted to their heart and love for people. Melissa says, "Sometimes as healthcare workers we feel like we are caring for people with our hands tied behind our backs, not here! The Christian atmosphere and love for people where they are flows freely and I knew I wanted to be a part of that.  I love that Christ is the center of our business and He opens doors for people that insurance.

Hometown Connect

Learn About Each of Our 4 Pillars of Focus

Then Jesus told his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself ad take up his cross and follow me."
- Matthew 16:24


Behavioral Health Addiction Recovery & Social Work

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An addict receiving support from other support group members


First Responder & Grief Tragedy Ministerial Response

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Hometown Connect volunteers cooking meals at a soup kitchen


Homelessness & Basic Needs Accessibility

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Passing out bedding for a disaffected homeowner


Healthcare Accessibility & Medication Affordability

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a doctor high-fiving a girl with her brother and mother
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